Out of Hours Emergency Service 24/7 – using a dedicated service where you
will phone straight through to the vet on duty. By speaking with the vet directly you will be able to bring up your concerns and either receive advice on what to do next or the vet will be out
to visit your croft or farm as soon as possible.
Routine visits e.g. calf castrations, dehorning, blood sampling
Disease control & eradication advice – Scottish Government BVD
Eradication Scheme advice and planning, Johne’s Disease, Maedi Visna, footrot, liver fluke and sustainable worm prevention, to name but a few.
Calvings and lambings
Surgery – caesarean sections, displaced stomachs, prolapses, foot surgery
Consultations with the Vet are through appointment only. If you think your animal needs urgent attention please phone first and we will do our best to see